I didn’t read the fine print when I joined the Freeport Branch of the NAACP. I was just happy to hear about its reactivation and eager to become a member. I selected the most popular membership category, Regular Adult Membership at $30 a year, without giving the other categories much if any consideration.
Now that it’s about time for me to renew my membership, I’ve learned from our Membership Committee Co-Chairs Cheryl Erving and Pat Norman that, although the regular annual membership will always be the most popular choice, there is an affordable way for me to deepen my commitment to our Freeport Branch for as little as an additional $45 a year.
Subscribing Silver Life Memberships are payable in annual installments of $75. After ten years, a subscriber is All In with a total of $750.
I have to admit that $75/year for ten years – or even $150/year for five years – sounds a lot more doable for me, right now, than writing a check for $750, particularly since I am only recently retired and still working through the ins-and-outs all that entails.
Co-Chairs Cheryl and Pat tell me they’ll be happy to accept Silver Life Memberships in either a lump sum (of course!) or on the installment plan. Either way provides advantages for our branch. We have more members making a thoughtful, considered commitment to Freeport Branch #3039 and something really significant happens once we reach the milestone of 50 Life Members.
Why is 50 Life members a big deal? It so happens that with 50 Life Members our Branch #3039 will achieve Active in Perpetuity Status, which means Freeport will never again find itself without an active, vital, and growing NAACP.
Please join me in contacting Cheryl (cheryl.erving@gmail.com) or Pat (plnorman1aol.com) to discuss additional advantages of Silver Life Membership, as well as other installment plan options. We need this chapter now more than ever and can help to guarantee its future, if we stretch ourselves to renew as life members. Who knows? Maybe there are even some Gold and Diamond Life Members in our branch’s future!
Submitted by Carole Dickerson