That’s it!

Voting was a meaningful subject in my father’s, Otha Johnson, Sr., home.  He was born and raised in Mississippi where his family were not permitted to vote. Even if it was legal for citizens in the United States of America to vote. Many states had their own rules on laws that they followed and did not care about the laws of this country.

If those states did not recognize you as a person and citizen with rights, then why should you have the right to vote or do many other civil actions.

My father was in the U. S. Army to defend the U.S. He and many others couldn’t vote to elect others to govern their country. But were willing to defend and protect their country.

Mr. Johnson, my father, was knowledgeable and fair to many people. He was also full of insight and intelligence to me, his third oldest child. My siblings and I learned more from our parents living their lives, than what we could or did read in several classroom books.

He had a strong push toward education (learn as much as you can and use that education you obtain) and this thought has brought me a long way in living my life.

This includes voting when election opportunities are valid. He always stated it is important that I follow thru and do vote because I had the right to.

The statements from my father, grandparents, and probably great-grandparents declared that voting represents that you are a human being and citizen and have the right and privilege to vote.

I believe voting is the opportunity to be involved in how your city, state and country provide directions toward all their citizens. So don’t complain when you don’t vote if you had the chance to vote.

Finally, when you and I use our voting power, often, we are involved in changing the history for the good of our country. Please think about family members in the past that did not get to know when President Barack Obama was elected.

VOTE, be a hero to yourself, those from our past, and those who are living and will be surviving for our future.

Submitted by Karlene Johnson, Freeport NAACP member