The NAACP is disheartened with the events surrounding the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. In these crisis moments, choosing citizenship over humanity is an atrocity.
Right now in Ukraine, Black families, immigrants from the African diaspora, and other people of color – mothers, children, and students – are not only facing challenges to evacuate a deadly warzone, but are being pushed from trains and beaten by police officers.
Yesterday (Marcy 9th), the NAACP along with our partner civil rights organizations, sent a letter to the President of the European Commission, expressing our concern for the safety of the Black people in Ukraine fleeing the conflict, and urging the commission to take swift and proactive action to ensure their humane treatment.
We have a responsibility to fight against all forms of racism and discrimination, and we’re committed to doing so no matter where it occurs.
These callous acts are atrocious and reprehensible. As the world comes to the aid of the Ukraine and nations support the resettlement of people fleeing the nation, every individual must be treated with dignity and humanity. We call upon the Biden Administration and the United Nations to take every necessary action to protect the rights and to ensure the safe passage of all persons fleeing this blatant attack on a Nation’s sovereignty. The NAACP will do everything in its power to fight racist, cruel acts such as these – no matter where they are happening.